#1 Way to Recover Abandoned Carts Through Direct Messages with Automatic DMs

Chatbot Marketing

There are many formulas available all over the internet for a business to showcase their products on their Instagram account and Facebook page.

Getting the product out to the public is the first step in growing a business's sales online.

Whether through mainstream marketing techniques or more nuanced strategies like the one I use for my clients.

However, what happens after you've grabbed a user's attention?

Imagine this: a user scrolling online stumbles on your Instagram post; perhaps they see an ad or your latest reel.

They like your product, so they check out your website, pick out a few items, and add them to their cart.

I hate to break it to you but don't go cashing that check so quickly.

Seven out of ten times, they walk away without buying anything.

And let's be honest, we've all done this: the modern-day window-shopping effect.

We get distracted; life happens.

Maybe we're not ready to dish out the cash just now.

So, as a business, what's the next step?

Nobody on the internet is talking about this.

Businesses just accept it as a part of life and go back to square one: retargeting with paid ads, crossing their fingers, and hoping to pique the potential customer's interest in the future.

What if I told you there’s a way to recover those lost sales directly through automatic DMs to boost your revenue by 10.71%?

Today, I’m going to show you exactly how my team helps brands do just that with Facebook and Instagram DM automation.

Keep scrolling as we explore one of my favorite GROW AI innovations: the abandoned cart recovery system using Instagram DMs.

I’ll walk you through the exact strategy we used to help a skincare brand, one of our clients, recover lost sales.

And trust me, the results speak for themselves.

Turn Your Facebook and Instagram Account into Your Personal Retargeting Superhero

Before I reveal this secret weapon, an intro is in order: hi, I’m Liz.

Since 2019, I’ve been running a DFY AI chatbot agency that specializes in helping brands monetize their Instagram and Facebook through conversation.

Using my proprietary tech and done-for-you chat system, I share strategies that help my clients increase revenue and engagement on Meta platforms.

Now, let's dive into how my proprietary software works.

I'll paint the scene for you.

You've put in the hours to create an amazing product and used the correct tools like Manychat to automate your DMs for a better customer experience.

Now, you want to take this a step further.

Picture this.

One of your followers on social media comments on a post or ad.

Maybe they’re asking for product recommendations or responding to a call to action.

As soon as they do, the chatbot auto-replies with a DM.

This direct message captures their email and gives them a personalized offer tailored to their needs.

Once the automated responses have solved whatever question the user might have, they are ready to browse through your entire product line.

Here is where the magic happens.

They go to your website and add something to their cart.

Then, life gets in the way. Our potential client has to answer an important phone call, or their kids are asking for some playtime.

Whatever the case may be, they don’t follow through with the purchase.

You think you've lost that sale?

Not to worry, your friendly neighborhood chatbot is here to save the day.

About 45 minutes later, our chatbot pulls the contents of their cart and sends it right back into their Facebook or Instagram direct messages.

The chatbot comes with a handy sidekick: a special offer, like a 10% discount code or free shipping, that’s only valid today.

By clicking a button within Facebook or Instagram messages, the user goes straight to their cart and can finalize their purchase immediately.

Step aside, Iron Man; our chatbot just became your favorite new superhero.

A First-Hand Look Into Facebook and Instagram Automation in the Wild

I could write about hypotheticals all day long.

However, I'm here to show you real and tangible results.

Like this particular skincare client,

A screenshot of our client's Facebook page with 14K followers

whose cart abandonment campaign is currently driving a 10.71% purchase rate.

That’s 10.71% of people who were about to walk away.

They all came back and completed the purchase, thanks to the timely DM reminder and personalized offer.

Let’s break down a typical conversation flow. 

Step 1: The user comments on your post or ad. 

A screenshot of a Facebook post with offering an offer with "Claim today's deal" written on the post

Step 2: The chatbot sends an auto-reply through DMs with an engaging and personalized message where it collects your email address. 

Three screenshots showcasing a comment on a Facebook triggering a DM offering a discount by asking for the user's email

Step 3: Once they add something to their cart but don’t purchase, a second automated response through DMs is triggered 45 minutes later.

It pulls the exact items they left behind and presents them with a limited-time offer.

A screenshot of a phone notification from Facebook reminding the user about their abandond cart and offering a limited time discount

And here’s why this works so well.

People get busy.

They forget, or they might just need that extra little nudge to finish checking out.

The best part?

If after those 45 minutes, the user is still not ready to check out, they have the option to be reminded in 1 hour, 4 hours, or the next day!

A screenshot of a DM conversation offering he user a reminder in one or four ours to check out

My team is able to personalize the chatbot flow to the specific frequency our client is comfortable with.

This allows for an organic interaction with our chatbot at every step of the process.

Personalization meets Automation To Create The Ultimate Path To Stronger Relationships

Having a 1-on-1 conversation with a user directly in their DMs feels personal, timely, and relevant.

It builds trust—and, ultimately, leads to more sales.

My clients' mile-long advantage is that their chatbot can simultaneously have one-on-one personalized conversations with 10,000 people.

No customer service team with limited business hours will match our numbers while maintaining consistency and replying to all your customer inquiries.

Right now, DM automation for abandoned carts is an unexplored, deep blue ocean.

Very few brands (my clients) are using this strategy, so only a selected few are able to gain a huge competitive advantage.

So, what are the key takeaways here?

  1. Turn your abandoned carts into new additional sales
  2. Engage your customers where they already are—Instagram DMs
  3. Offer them something special to sweeten the deal, but add an expiration date to discounts or freebies as an extra nudge.

If you want to implement this kind of automated system for your own brand, or if you’re ready to take your Instagram sales to the next level, click this link to schedule a call with my team.

We’ll show you exactly how we can build a system like this for you in just 10 business days.

If you're not ready for that yet, make sure to check out this video here, where I show how we used DM automation to double a client’s sales without spending a cent on ads.

Don't forget to check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

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