6 Conversational Copy Principles To Earn Money Through Your Instagram Account

Chatbot Marketing

Leading businesses are hopping on the train to implement chatbots for their websites and social media.

Taking this extra step to nurture Facebook and Instagram users through automation and streamlined processes is the easiest way to increase how you make money on Instagram and Facebook.

I've mentioned the benefits in previous blogs, such as increased engagement rate and follower count, the ability to get clients to respond to an Instagram FAQ automatically, and, most importantly, a rise in sales.

Once a business has put in the hard work of creating sponsored posts and exclusive content for their engaged followers in their DMs, the last thing they want to do (that a lot of them end up doing) is to drop the ball from the get-go and go back to square one.

However, stepping into new and innovative territory always comes with certain risks, and one of the biggest ones that users will call you out on is poor chatbot copywriting.

Your chatbot could be converting 2, 3, or even 4 times more when the spotlight shines on human-like writing and personal-level connections.

Most online businesses are leaving money on the table because of poor chatbot copy, and they don't even know it.

I'm here to ensure your business does NOT make this mistake.

By the end of this blog, you’ll know the six principles I‘ve used to generate $40M+ in chatbot sales for my clients.

I’ll walk you through HOW I write high-converting conversational copy that drives action for Facebook Messenger and Instagram DMs and WHY these principles make all the difference.

The Key to Unlocking That Extra Advantage to Your Facebook and Instagram Shop

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Liz.

Since 2019, I’ve been helping e-commerce and info-product businesses change the way they monetize their Instagram and Facebook channels, one conversation at a time.

Before we dive in, we have to keep in mind that users' Facebook and Instagram page are personal and intimate spaces.

People use them to share their funny dog videos, what they made for lunch, or their recent engagement pictures with friends and family.

For Facebook Messenger and Instagram DMs, when we look at engagement, they're going to a deeper level.

They are not here only to interact with brands; they want to connect with them, feel seen, and be supported throughout their entire journey.

This means that if you sound like a pushy and clunky sales robot when you slide in their DMs, they’ll swipe left real quick.

Instead, you need to write like you're talking to a friend, and I'll show you exactly how to do this.

Principle 1: It’s ALWAYS about the user

The first rule of conversational copy is that it’s always about the user, not about you.

What's in it for them?

What are they going to get from you?

You need to answer these questions in every message.

Use the term "you" 99% of the time, and "I" or "us" just 1%.

The focus should always be on solving their problems, providing value, or making their lives easier.

For example:

Instead of saying, “We have this great product for you,”

Say, “You’re going to love this product because it solves X problem.”

A screenshot of a notification showing a personable approach to offering a product

See the difference?

The user is the star of the show.

We're just shining the spotlight on them.

Principle 2: Keep it organic

You want to make sure that the users feel like they're talking to someone, so using the same language you would use with a friend is the easiest way to do that.

Keep your tone casual and conversational.

You want to nurture a sense of familiarity, not make them feel like they're talking to the bank.

Instead of “Hello,” use “Hey” or “Hi.” 

Instead of “You are,” say “You’re.”

These are small and sometimes unrecognizable fixes that will change the entire feel of a conversation.

The goal is to make your chatbot feel like a natural part of the user’s day-to-day interactions.

So, for example:

“Hi there! How can I help you today?” feels natural and friendly.

Whereas “Hello. How may I assist you?” feels stiff and robotic.

Principle 3: Keep it personal, but don't overdo it

Using someone’s first name can build connection, but overdo it and it starts feeling forced.

On Messenger, you can use their name to personalize the experience, like “Hey {FirstName}.”

A screenshot of notifications showing the bot talking to a user on a first-name basis

On Instagram, since you don’t have access to first names, use something more general like “Hey you” or “Hey there.”

A screenshot of notifications showing the bot talking to a user in a casual manner

But remember, less is more. Use it sparingly so it feels natural.

Principle 4: No need to be a shark when selling products

Now, when it comes time to make an offer, don’t be too aggressive.

Instead of saying, “Buy now with coupon XX1,” you may want to soften the approach:

“By the way, if you’re in a buying mood today, here’s a coupon you can use at checkout. And if you need help with anything, just let me know.”

A screenshot of a notification showing a discount offer to the user

This keeps the conversation light and helpful while still driving action.

Principle 5: Keep the urgency while maintaining a soft approach

Urgency drives action, but you want to do it in a way that doesn’t feel pushy.

When you drop a unique promo code, soften the way you mention the deadline for a more organic approach:

“By the way, {FirstName}, if you’re in a buying mood today, use coupon XX1 at checkout today (expires in 24h). If you have trouble with anything, let me know.”

A screenshot of a notification showing a discount offer to the user with a 24hr time limit

In your follow-up message 22 hours later, you can say:

“Hey {FirstName}, I’m excited to see your results soon! Did you have trouble using the coupon I sent you yesterday, or do you need help with it? (expires in <1h).”

A screenshot of a notification showing a follow up on a product purchased in the past

You create urgency without being overbearing.

Principle 6: Be specific

Last but not least, be specific.

Don’t just say your product is “great.”

Explain how it directly solves the user’s problem.

With the correct conversational copy, chatbots can gather a lot of information from customers through a quiz, so we know exactly what problems to tackle.

This allows us to further connect with the users' pain points, benefits, and outcomes and show how your product helps them achieve their goals.

For example:

If someone has sensitive skin but hasn’t purchased yet, your chatbot can follow up and say:

“Hey {FirstName}, here’s what I put together for you because you mentioned you had sensitive skin.”

A screenshot of a notification from a personalized offer based on the user's response

This makes the offer feel like a friend is giving you a recommendation on a product they just tried, which will instantly boost conversions.

Instagram Users' Favorite Chatbot

Creating connections and nurturing trust with your Facebook and Instagram followers is the FastPass ticket to making money.

While using Instagram stories, sponsored content, and comment triggers will lead users to DMs, you still need to fight to keep them engaged.

Writing high-quality and engaging content will be the big dance that keeps your audience entertained at the theater, prevents them from leaving during intermission, and keeps them returning for more.

Implementing these six principles will transform your Instagram or Facebook chatbot from a robotic message sender into a high-converting sales tool (and possibly your followers' new BFF.) 

But here’s the exciting part: this is still a big blue ocean.

The number of businesses allowing chatbots to interact with users is still relatively small.

The ones doing it effectively through conversational copy are part of a very small, exclusive sailing team venturing into the ocean.

This means that folks willing to take that extra step are going to be miles ahead of their competition and will be looking in the rearview mirror at those folks who, in a few years, realize (too late) they need to get in on this.

If you want to implement this level of personalization for your clients, or you’re ready to take your Instagram sales to the next level, click this link to schedule a call with my team.

We’ll show you exactly how we can build a system like this for you in just 10 business days.

But if you're not ready for that yet, make sure to check out this video here, where I show you how to earn money with Instagram (my 9 hacks.)

Don't forget to check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

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